Friday, November 6, 2009

Team Name & T-Shirts

Okay so here's a suggestion for our team name & t-shirts.

I think we should be the Furious 5 from Kung Fu Panda. (Well in this case, six.) And put our each of our faces on a different one of the animals. And the back of the shirt could say, "They were no match for his bodacity."

What do y'all think?


Guffey Family said...

I think it's awesome because with Po there were 6. Cami needs to be master Monkey, Skye you are mantis, sorry but you're the smallest, Jesse would be Tigress. That leaves Cali, Hillary, and me as Po, Viper and Crane. I'm sure Cali will not want Viper, but We can fight that out.

Cali and Travis said...

I'll be Viper. Just for the irony of it all. But seriously, I'll be whoever.

Cali and Travis said...

You know Shiloh it's funny but you had exactly the same ideas I did about who would be who when I first suggested the furious 5. I saw you as crane though & I figured Hillary for viper since she actually has pet snake. Which leaves Po for me. That's appropriate since I'm the fat, lumbering one anyway. What does everyone else think?

Hillary and Jake said...

cool I can rock either viper or Po

Hillary and Jake said...

If no one has volunteered I'll do a 5 mile stretch of the race. and I'm okay with Viper.

Unknown said...

So is mom the bad leopard and dad's the Chi Fu guy? Or is dad the crazy old wise turtle?

Cali and Travis said...

Daddy is so definitely the crazy turtle! That's not even a question!

WV: (And I'm not lying) fantert

I'm pretty sure that's what happens when you think you need to have a bowel movement, but then you get to the toilet & all you can do is pass a little gas.

Guffey Family said...

mom would be the hamster dude that learned all she knows from the crazy turtle who is calm collected and never gets upset, though the hamster hasn't quite mastered that yet.

Unknown said...

So are we renting a bus like Shiloh's for our team transport vehicle? Are mom and dad the drivers? Will their be drink and doughnuts waiting in said vehicle? Ooooh.....and some hot water foot spas and hand held massagers. Maybe we could set up Hillary's massage table in the back of the van. ;-)

Cali and Travis said...

Why rent a van when we have Shiloh's bus? (And all her kids for cheerleaders?) Then again, perhaps we should leave the kids at the finish line with Uncles Ryan, Jake, Travis & Kelly so we have a big cheering section for our final runner.